Lee Jacobsz
1 min readDec 6, 2020

Will transitioning in a different energy make it easier? What do I mean by energy: The observed experience of being, where the thought & feeling manifest from. If we get misgendered, we don’t have to make it mean that we arent seen. So people ask invasive, even stupid questions. We don’t take it personal or even get upset, let it roll off us like water from a duck. Unless our life is in danger, we see beneath the ignorance to the complete unknown and fear therein, and be understanding as much as we need understanding, and take the opportunity to positively inform, not for ourself or even for them, but for the next one. We can’t control how people see us or if they see us, we can put ourselves out there, so that our existence is known, and I believe as people gain understanding from us, acceptance will follow.

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