Want to lucid dream?
You may just want to wake up in your dream because it’s fun to parkour.
Waking up
It helps to be present, aware. Conscious of what is happening, inside and outside of myself as an observer, just an observer, while I am awake.
The excitement of waking up in your dream usually wakes you out of it altogether. So it helps to stay calm when you wake up.
Dream Symbols
A dream symbol is one you choose (it can either already appear regularly in your dreams or you can intend the symbol and manifest it in your dreams to trigger a lucid dream.
Remembering your dreams help to experience lucid dreaming because you become aware of recurring dream symbols that could then trigger a lucid dream.
Keeping a dream journal helps, and flicking through the pages of a dream dictionary will help trigger memories of your dream.
Reality Check
The way you distinguish between waking reality and dream reality.
This is something you do multiple times in your waking reality so that it happens in your dream reality.
Some do things like checking their hands regularly. I’ve tested this myself, and did begin to do this action in my dream, but even when there was a missing finger or an extra one, it didn’t wake me, I just found it strange and accepted it.
To form a reality check habit, set yourself a repeating reminder every few hours during your day. It’s gonna take you 7–9 seconds or less. But for it to work, you have to do it.
My reality check is my dream symbol and triggers a lucid dream every time.
Because I do it regularly and consciously in waking reality, it also automatically happens in dream reality and triggers a lucid dream, every time!
This one check covers 2 important bases:
- It allows lucid dreams to be triggered automatically.
- It lets me reliably know if I am in a dream or waking reality.
When I do it in my dream, it immediately feeds back that I am experiencing a dream, and my state remains calm as it does in waking life, when it feeds back that I am experiencing waking life. I’m priming my body to be calm as it receives the feedback from my reality check as I am doing the conscious action.
It goes like this: I’m doing a conscious check every few hours.
- I ask myself a question at the start of my Reality Check:
“Am I experiencing a dream reality?”
I expect one of 2 results:
2. Then I do the Reality Check
The Reality Check: I pin my nose shut with 2 fingers and attempt a deep inhalation through my nose.
Try it now.
If you can’t take that pinned nose breath, which is probably the case as you’re reading this — you’re experiencing waking reality.
If you can take the pinned nose breath, then you are experiencing dream reality, my friend. If you are reading this and you could take a breath, leave a comment and let me know how this read was! Haha.
Debunking some lucid dreaming myths / unreliable reality checks
I think many times when we expect something to be a certain way, it will be that way.
Light switches work for me.
Many say they use light switches to tell if they are dreaming, I don’t know, in waking reality, the lightbulb could be blown. Not sure it’s accurate and depends on the dreamer. Anything is possible and a light switch can turn a light on or off in the dreams I experience. I flicked them all on and off and the lights turned on and off as I’d expect in waking reality — and I parkoured my way there! Which I definitely can’t do in waking reality.
I can read in a dream.
Not all writing is illegible or scrambled. A lot of times it’s like that, moving and morphing letters and symbols, and sometimes, perhaps when you should read it, it’s legible.
Extra tips to experiencing a lucid dream:
Practising presence of any moment and incorporating a daily meditation routine to:
- Observe your breath happening
- Observe the mental and emotional activity happening
This will immensely help your state in daily life, every moment, but also make experiencing lucid dreams more probable for you, without having to be aware of the experience of Sleep Paralysis if you don’t want to, and without setting an alarm and breaking up your sleep.
Being aware is the first step to waking up from the dream reality and waking reality.
In conclusion
There are many ways to induce lucid dreaming, this is simply what works great for me, and might be helpful for you too. The key with any of the many methods you will find if you look for them is essentially building up your conscious awareness through regular practices. And again, this will be beneficial for lucid dreaming, but also for your waking life in general.
Whether you try this method or if you have any methods that work reliably for you or if you have any lucid dream experiences, share them in the comments below!